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Cookie and privacy policy


When you visit our website, information about you is collected, which is used to customize and improve our content and to increase the value of the ads displayed on the page. If you do not want information to be collected, you should delete your cookies (see instructions) og undlade videre brug af websitet. Nedenfor har vi uddybet, hvilke informationer der indsamles, deres formål og hvilke tredjeparter, der har adgang til dem. 


The website uses "cookies", which is a text file that is stored on your computer, mobile or similar. Similarly for the purpose of recognizing it, remembering settings, performing statistics, and targeting ads. Cookies cannot contain malicious code such as virus.

Det er muligt at slette eller blokere for cookies. 

Se vejledning: Hvis du sletter eller blokerer cookies, vil annoncer kunne blive mindre relevante for dig og optræde hyppigere. Du kan desuden risikere at websitet ikke fungerer optimalt samt at der er indhold, du ikke kan få adgang til. 

Personal information

Personoplysninger er alle slags informationer, der i et eller andet omfang kan henføres til dig. Når du benytter vores website eller earfabSCAN app indsamler og behandler vi en række sådanne informationer. Det sker f.eks. ved alm. tilgang af indhold, hvis du tilmelder dig vores nyhedsbrev, deltager i konkurrencer eller undersøgelser, registrerer dig som bruger eller abonnent, scanner dine ører via earfabSCAN app, øvrig brug af services eller foretager køb via

Vi indsamler og behandler typisk følgende typer af oplysninger: Et unikt ID og tekniske oplysninger om din computer, tablet eller mobiltelefon, dit IP-nummer, geografisk placering, samt hvilke sider du klikker på (interesser). I det omfang du selv giver eksplicit samtykke hertil og selv indtaster informationerne behandles desuden: Navn, telefonnummer, e-mail, adresse og betalingsoplysninger og 3D scans fra earfabSCAN app. Det vil typisk være i forbindelse med oprettelse af login, scanning, bestilling og ved køb. 


Vi har truffet tekniske og organisatoriske foranstaltninger mod, at dine oplysninger hændeligt eller ulovligt bliver slettet, offentliggjort, fortabt, forringet eller kommer til uvedkommendes kendskab, misbruges eller i øvrigt behandles i strid med lovgivningen. 


The information is used to identify you as a user and show you the ads that will be most likely to be relevant to you, to register your purchases and payments, as well as to be able to provide the services you have requested, such as to submit a newsletter. In addition, Earfab ApS uses the information to optimize services and content.

Period of storage

The information is stored for the period permitted by law and we delete it when it is no longer needed. The period depends on the nature of the information and the background of storage. It is therefore not possible to specify a general time frame for when information is deleted.

Disclosure of information

Data about your use of the website, which ads you receive and possibly clicks, geographical location, gender and age segment, etc. passed on to third parties to the extent that this information is known. The information is used to target advertising. In addition, we use a number of third parties for the storage and processing of data. These third parties process information solely on our behalf and may not use it for their own purposes with exception of Hearables3D who stores the scan data for further development. Disclosure of personal information such as name and e-mail, etc. will only happen if you give your consent. We only use data processors in the EU or in countries that can provide your information with adequate protection.

Insights and complaints

Du har ret til at få oplyst, hvilke personoplysninger, vi behandler om dig. Du kan desuden til enhver tid gøre indsigelse mod, at oplysninger anvendes. Du kan også tilbagekalde dit samtykke til, at der bliver behandlet oplysninger om dig. Hvis de oplysninger, der behandles om dig, er forkerte har du ret til at de bliver rettet eller slettet. Henvendelse herom kan ske til: Hvis du vil klage over vores behandling af dine personoplysninger, har du også mulighed for at tage kontakt til the Danish Data Protection Agency.


The website is owned and published by:

Earfab ApS
Skovduevej 27
3120, Dronningmølle
+45 36 72 00 00

Customer satisfaction

We always focus on 100% customer satisfaction. We are happy when you are happy.

Return policy

As standard, you do not have a 'right to return' for custom made products. At earfab you can purchase a guarantee and get a 60-day return policy.

Fast delivery

We usually ship your custom-made in-ear product within 5 working days.